
Proaction Versus Reaction in the Digital Age

The digital revolution has changed the way we practice our profession. The unappreciation of change concerns the risk of involution of the role: no longer the orthodontist responsible for the diagnostic-therapeutic process, but a banal and passive executor. Being prone to artificial intelligence or proposals of advanced softwares, which taking critical control is fundamental. Thinking about conduction of treatments in conventional fixed orthodontics, were we react to the partial results by modifying the set-up of the appliance, each in according to its technique. Now, we must be pro-active professionals, having inevitably reduced the space for reaction in clinical practice: everything must be planned in advance, and it must be done by us personally without delegating to human third parties or artificial intelligences. If we don't do this, our profession risks in disappearing in favor of the general dentists or the B to C market. The digital era shows the need for this paradigm shift, not only in the field of clear aligners, but also in fixed orthodontics where we can plan the digital application of brackets and simulate the final position.

Learning Objectives

After this lecture, you will be able to define the role of orthodontist after digital revolution
After this lecture, you will be able to evaluate the influence of artificial intelligence in our work
After this lecture, you will be able to propose a paradigm shift